Health Tips

Health Tips
1 . Let the coffee cool : Do not drink coffee or any hot drink , this may increase the risk of developing cancers of the mouth or esophagus , but are advised to leave the cup cools a bit .

2 . Chewing vegetables well : that chewing food well increases the proportion of cancer-fighting chemical released by vegetables such as broccoli , cabbage and cauliflower .

3 . Daily walk : walk daily for half an hour or an hour reduces the possibility of developing breast cancer by 18 % and helps to get rid of almost 3 kilograms per year and maintains the strength of the body.

4 . Eat more almonds : almonds prefer eating between meals daily and when you feel hungry , it is rich in nutrients that may be lacking God daily diet .

5 . E. addition of cinnamon on coffee : Put half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of coffee daily as contributing to the reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood and helps the body use insulin more effectively .

6 . No need to hurry and speed : You must take the time when doing daily chores to avoid exposure to high blood pressure.

7 . Chewing gum between meals : It is recommended chewing sugarless gum after meals for half an hour in order to alleviate the symptoms of acidity .

8 . 3 daily servings of fruits and vegetables : Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables at a rate of 3 servings daily Fbalamkan to reduce the risk of heart attack by 70 % .

9 . Replaced with honey for sugar : When sweetening tea or milk you use honey for sugar and its ability to strengthen the immune system and anti-microbial .

10 . A good choice for solar glasses : should offer good protection sunglasses from the sun's ultraviolet rays that can lead to injury cataracts or blindness in old age , so make sure all care when buying glasses to make sure of good quality .

11 . Be sure to follow the type of moles on the skin : Research indicates that the ability to observations of changes in the various moles on the skin increased by 13 % and that careful observation avoid cancer.

12 . Dental hygiene : Be careful to avoid wetting toothbrush with water before placing them where the putty dry brush increases the possibility of getting rid of the plaque by 67 % .

13 . Sleep better : eating apples to combat insomnia and sleep deeply Sleeping helps fight premature aging and maintain youthful skin .

14 . Asmar replaced by bread for white : brown bread ( whole wheat ) has a greater proportion of dietary fiber , and is therefore more able to saturation , and the carbohydrates in the news the White cause large fluctuations in blood sugar levels .

15 . Drinking green tea : try eating a cup of green tea a day , which prevents the antioxidants in the body's cells , and reduces the possibility of the occurrence of cancer .

16 . Eating fish once a week : despite the fact that specialists recommend eating Sahtain of fish per week , but that eating one serving can help to improve the balance of brain chemicals , fish and beneficial to the health of the heart and brain .

17 . Stop biting nails : the habit spoil the beauty of your hands and may cause cracks in teeth minute , raising the possibility of being struck caries may lead to small tears in the gums may cause sores and infections.

18 . Eat more herbs : eating between meals natural herbal where help digestion and rid the body of toxins and impurities ..

19 . Enjoy . Vacation : Take advantage of the holiday and tried to prepare a special program to relax and unwind after the trouble of a full week of work .

20 . Eating two pieces of chocolate a day : where experts emphasize that the chocolate away from you anemia and improves mood ..

21 . Use sunscreen : to maintain the integrity of the skin and protect it from wrinkles must use prevention cream before exposure to sunlight .

22 . Not to carry heavy objects : Stay away from any carry heavy bags so as not to affect the spine or on the way to stand up and walk passively .

23 . Attention to the color of the tongue : The color of the tongue can be a sign of health problems, so be sure to color and the acquisition of any different color , ie white indicates weakness in the immune system , and yellow indicates excessive food, drink and red at the tip of the tongue is an indicator of psychological stress .

24 . Hiking out of the house : the change and exit from the daily routine helps to boost morale and get away from stress and depression because we must prepare a program for walks outside the home and visit family and friends.

25 . Cleaner clothes : you may not see with the naked eye carry microbes , but changed its cleanliness and prevent any injury germs and microbes light , especially with the hot weather and the high heat of the sun